Sabtu, 21 November 2009
Green Revolution
Green Revolution Popular in 1950 to 1980. It's a new method to agriculture using of chemical and farm machinery industries. In beggining, this method make a good crop and big succes, but this condition no longer successfully. Some of side bad effect appear. Fertilizer from chemical substance make an plant using fertilizer like a drug, bad insect redevelope their body to make antibody and againt insecticides. In other side, when machinery cropping a plant in one action, it's make top soil formation not stabil about erotion cause rain dropfall. Finally the loss of top soil has lowered productivity of the land. I think if we can use "green revolution" with smart and put it in the precise place, we can reduce bad side of green revolution.
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Poles Apart
We know that earth have two poles. North Pole taken with name Arctic, and other one is south pole with name Antartic. Both pole's have a different in environment (temperature and ecology). Antartic is coldest area in the earth, actually this situation not to be different, arctic just have 30 degree above south pole (more warm, maybe). Animal and plant (ecology) in both pole's too different. In North Pole there are many plant, in south pole just have a few plant. An Ordinary condition founded in south pole, there are have algae. Usually in extreme condition (very down or very high temperature) algae can't survive. I think scientist would be study South Pole more detail. That's just few about our pole's apart if u want more follow this link
Minggu, 08 November 2009
Planned Parenthood Program
We have aware with, earthling growth after revolution industry at English draw near year 1750 give our out phenomena, and that alarm make afraid. How come, since that time earthling developing from century to century pointing out growth getting quick. If on 17th century totals earthling 623 million. one century then population becomes 906 million, and on century goes to - 19 have swollen become 1.608 million souls.
Birth rate explotion is one of problem which can conclude other aspect and become to demolish ones country with a problem like a poor, wredwound, and slums. In 1965 and 1975 planned parenthood become to plant in the world. A downing point fertility cause this program very shocking. 12 percent down point, 4635 become 4068. this value in every country not same but it’s a indicator for make world without fertility. A statistic says that in 2025 we don’t have a fertility problem but in 2004 we standing fight a fertility problem. What’s wrong about this, I think we must refresh this system in order to compatible with long period. There are three aspect.
First, the country who have this program, must got a big finance and using it for this program with comprehensive. Not only build a program but also drive it, and developing it. Some country just drive it not developing it’s program, so in a middle time this program can’t walk.
Second, make a donation. Advance country should know if they donate this program to other (development country) who have fertility problem, it’s downing a point of problem in the world (fertility problem). This decade very small donate for this program whereas a work holder for this sector very small in development country. Some information, a wisdom, equipment, don’t have a perfect. With donate a world without fertility problem were close.
Third, a non effective program. A program doesn’t have a power, haven’t attention, low interest so it’s hard to grow up this program. We must giving more power and attention for this program, also make and gift a good mainset for this to other people.
In conclution, all that can happen with our hand and other. And then if donation for this program fast, big donation a comprehensive and effective planning more good for a better world to fight a problem fertility. We must hope this program keep walk and cove all country for a better of our generation.
Birth rate explotion is one of problem which can conclude other aspect and become to demolish ones country with a problem like a poor, wredwound, and slums. In 1965 and 1975 planned parenthood become to plant in the world. A downing point fertility cause this program very shocking. 12 percent down point, 4635 become 4068. this value in every country not same but it’s a indicator for make world without fertility. A statistic says that in 2025 we don’t have a fertility problem but in 2004 we standing fight a fertility problem. What’s wrong about this, I think we must refresh this system in order to compatible with long period. There are three aspect.
First, the country who have this program, must got a big finance and using it for this program with comprehensive. Not only build a program but also drive it, and developing it. Some country just drive it not developing it’s program, so in a middle time this program can’t walk.
Second, make a donation. Advance country should know if they donate this program to other (development country) who have fertility problem, it’s downing a point of problem in the world (fertility problem). This decade very small donate for this program whereas a work holder for this sector very small in development country. Some information, a wisdom, equipment, don’t have a perfect. With donate a world without fertility problem were close.
Third, a non effective program. A program doesn’t have a power, haven’t attention, low interest so it’s hard to grow up this program. We must giving more power and attention for this program, also make and gift a good mainset for this to other people.
In conclution, all that can happen with our hand and other. And then if donation for this program fast, big donation a comprehensive and effective planning more good for a better world to fight a problem fertility. We must hope this program keep walk and cove all country for a better of our generation.
Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009
Physic element of urban planning
Most city in the world have style themselves. Some of city growth in different physic environment. The physic explanation is land use in city which had an near distance and overgrowth from the core up to coastal area. In this angle about city, boundary of the city is invincible and unknown. But in other angle city looked from physic aspect have three step for planning. That is, building and activity which in the ground surface or near foreground, installation in underground, and activity in blank space (atmosphere). That’s three step also entered to our law, in UU no.26 2007 about space ordering law.
Building and activity. Building is first target after human gather food and water, so building is element of city (truly element, cause building can our see, whenever, wherever from other city side). Building from place can give a potential protection for a human race to survive. Other function followed by activity’s of human whose using building. Example: building for commerciality (store), industry, government, culture, and other.
Underground activity is a system which can mentioned like a invest to future of city. But other professional have a different argument about this. They say that underground activity is a tool, it can used to controlling and planning surface area (development). Underground activity like a planting optic cable, pipe, electric cable, and other. We can used that for long period. We also can use that for decrease development of building (with assumption that underground activity become a base development for surface area).
Blank space activity, in this decade this element looked that nothing but more to transport, radio wave, TV wave, radar, and other communication activity. That’s activity very advantage for human. Every country in the world always claim this area up to high altitude for his activity.
In conclution, urban planning must have three aspect of physic element in planning theory. That’s paired from one to other and have cause-consequence if one of element removed. When urban planning used with consistent, many style of big alteration can influented at physic shape of urban planning, in short time.
Most city in the world have style themselves. Some of city growth in different physic environment. The physic explanation is land use in city which had an near distance and overgrowth from the core up to coastal area. In this angle about city, boundary of the city is invincible and unknown. But in other angle city looked from physic aspect have three step for planning. That is, building and activity which in the ground surface or near foreground, installation in underground, and activity in blank space (atmosphere). That’s three step also entered to our law, in UU no.26 2007 about space ordering law.
Building and activity. Building is first target after human gather food and water, so building is element of city (truly element, cause building can our see, whenever, wherever from other city side). Building from place can give a potential protection for a human race to survive. Other function followed by activity’s of human whose using building. Example: building for commerciality (store), industry, government, culture, and other.
Underground activity is a system which can mentioned like a invest to future of city. But other professional have a different argument about this. They say that underground activity is a tool, it can used to controlling and planning surface area (development). Underground activity like a planting optic cable, pipe, electric cable, and other. We can used that for long period. We also can use that for decrease development of building (with assumption that underground activity become a base development for surface area).
Blank space activity, in this decade this element looked that nothing but more to transport, radio wave, TV wave, radar, and other communication activity. That’s activity very advantage for human. Every country in the world always claim this area up to high altitude for his activity.
In conclution, urban planning must have three aspect of physic element in planning theory. That’s paired from one to other and have cause-consequence if one of element removed. When urban planning used with consistent, many style of big alteration can influented at physic shape of urban planning, in short time.
Selasa, 08 September 2009
Kunci Kegagalan
Kita semua tidak ingin gagal. Kita semua menghindari kegagalan.
Tetapi rupanya kegagalan sangat akrab dalam kehidupan kita. Banyak
target yang tak tercapai , banyak cita-cita yang tak terealisir, dan
banyak harapan tinggallah kosong.
Mengapa kita gagal dan tidak mencapai keberhasilan? Mengapa kita
belum berhasil dan menemui kegagalan? Apakah kegagalan merupakan
realitas wajib sehingga keberhasilan dapat kita apresiasikan?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan diatas sering menghantui kita dan memerlukan
jawaban dari kita masing-masing.
Kegagalan tidak terjadi dalam semalam. Keberhasilanpun tidak dicapai
dalam sehari. Kedua tesis di atas sangat sederhana tetapi juga sangat
Saya teringat ucapan seorang dokter tetangga saya, ketika pulang
mengantarkan tetangga kami yang kena serangan jantung ke rumah sakit
gawat darurat. Dia berkata bahwa sebetulnya serangan jantung tidak
datang dengan tiba-tiba, tetapi bertahun-tahun bahkan berpuluh-puluh
tahun penyakit jantung telah ditimbun mulai dari merokok terlalu
banyak, minum kopi terlalu banyak, malas olahraga sehingga sedikit
demi sedikit pembuluh darah semakin menyempit.
Akhirnya sedemikian sempitnya sehingga kegagalan jantung terjadi.
Benarlah bahwa kegagalan jantung tidak terjadi dalam semalam
melainkan ditumpuk bertahun-tahun, sedikit demi sedikit.
Keberhasilan pun berlangsung dengan modus yang sama, sedikit demi
sedikit keberhasilan ditumpuk sedemikian rupa sehingga keberhasilan
itu lama kelamaan besar. Secara teoritis jika seseorang mempelajari
lima kata bahasa Inggeris perhari maka dalam setahun dia akan
memiliki hampir dua ribu kosa kata dan dalam lima tahun pasti bisa
menguasai sepuluh ribu kosa kata. Tetapi berapa banyakkah orang yang
lulus perguruan tinggi mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan lancar? Tidak
banyak. Mengapa? Karena mereka gagal menghafal lima bahasa Inggeris
Masih banyak contoh dapat kita berikan tentang kebenaran tesis bahwa
keberhasilan adalah kemampuan mengambil langkah-langkah kecil untuk
mencapai hasil yang besar. Dan bahwa kegagalan adalah ketidakmampuan
menghindari hal-hal kecil sampai ia menumpuk sedemikian besar dan tak
terhindarkan lagi konsuekuensinya.
Maka rahasia kegagalan adalah gagal mengucapkan selamat pagi, gagal
mengucapkan terima kasih, gagal minta maaf, gagal mengurangi sepiring
nasi dari diet harian, gagal memberi perhatian pada seorang staff,
gagal mengusulkan kenaikan pangkat anak buah, gagal tersenyum, gagal
bertekun setengah jam, gagal berolahraga setengah jam per hari, gagal
sholat sepuluh menit per waktu, gagal membawa mobil ke bengkel untuk
servis rutin, gagal menabung 5% dari penghasilan per bulan, gagal
menutup mulut dari ucapan tak bermutu, dan ribuan kegagalan kecil
Orang bijak berkata berkata bahwa hal-hal kecil memang sepele, tetapi
setia pada perkara-perkara kecil adalah hal yang besar.
Kita semua tidak ingin gagal. Kita semua menghindari kegagalan.
Tetapi rupanya kegagalan sangat akrab dalam kehidupan kita. Banyak
target yang tak tercapai , banyak cita-cita yang tak terealisir, dan
banyak harapan tinggallah kosong.
Mengapa kita gagal dan tidak mencapai keberhasilan? Mengapa kita
belum berhasil dan menemui kegagalan? Apakah kegagalan merupakan
realitas wajib sehingga keberhasilan dapat kita apresiasikan?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan diatas sering menghantui kita dan memerlukan
jawaban dari kita masing-masing.
Kegagalan tidak terjadi dalam semalam. Keberhasilanpun tidak dicapai
dalam sehari. Kedua tesis di atas sangat sederhana tetapi juga sangat
Saya teringat ucapan seorang dokter tetangga saya, ketika pulang
mengantarkan tetangga kami yang kena serangan jantung ke rumah sakit
gawat darurat. Dia berkata bahwa sebetulnya serangan jantung tidak
datang dengan tiba-tiba, tetapi bertahun-tahun bahkan berpuluh-puluh
tahun penyakit jantung telah ditimbun mulai dari merokok terlalu
banyak, minum kopi terlalu banyak, malas olahraga sehingga sedikit
demi sedikit pembuluh darah semakin menyempit.
Akhirnya sedemikian sempitnya sehingga kegagalan jantung terjadi.
Benarlah bahwa kegagalan jantung tidak terjadi dalam semalam
melainkan ditumpuk bertahun-tahun, sedikit demi sedikit.
Keberhasilan pun berlangsung dengan modus yang sama, sedikit demi
sedikit keberhasilan ditumpuk sedemikian rupa sehingga keberhasilan
itu lama kelamaan besar. Secara teoritis jika seseorang mempelajari
lima kata bahasa Inggeris perhari maka dalam setahun dia akan
memiliki hampir dua ribu kosa kata dan dalam lima tahun pasti bisa
menguasai sepuluh ribu kosa kata. Tetapi berapa banyakkah orang yang
lulus perguruan tinggi mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan lancar? Tidak
banyak. Mengapa? Karena mereka gagal menghafal lima bahasa Inggeris
Masih banyak contoh dapat kita berikan tentang kebenaran tesis bahwa
keberhasilan adalah kemampuan mengambil langkah-langkah kecil untuk
mencapai hasil yang besar. Dan bahwa kegagalan adalah ketidakmampuan
menghindari hal-hal kecil sampai ia menumpuk sedemikian besar dan tak
terhindarkan lagi konsuekuensinya.
Maka rahasia kegagalan adalah gagal mengucapkan selamat pagi, gagal
mengucapkan terima kasih, gagal minta maaf, gagal mengurangi sepiring
nasi dari diet harian, gagal memberi perhatian pada seorang staff,
gagal mengusulkan kenaikan pangkat anak buah, gagal tersenyum, gagal
bertekun setengah jam, gagal berolahraga setengah jam per hari, gagal
sholat sepuluh menit per waktu, gagal membawa mobil ke bengkel untuk
servis rutin, gagal menabung 5% dari penghasilan per bulan, gagal
menutup mulut dari ucapan tak bermutu, dan ribuan kegagalan kecil
Orang bijak berkata berkata bahwa hal-hal kecil memang sepele, tetapi
setia pada perkara-perkara kecil adalah hal yang besar.
Minggu, 06 September 2009
Oleh Mas Nuhan wahyudi
Realitas Keseharian Kita*
Realitas Keseharian Kita*
Wajah negeri ini coreng-moreng dan sungguh muramHidup bukanlah untuk mengeluh dan mengaduh. Demikiankira-kira yang disampaikan Rendra dalam salah satupuisinya. Tapi, melihat Indonesia belakangan ini,bahkan sejak beberapa tahun terakhir, rasanya wajarsaja jika banyak orang Indonesia yang mengeluh danmengaduh. Saksikanlah bagaimana kaum politisi—terutamayang yang duduk dalam jajaran eksekutif, legislatif,dan yudikatif — “berakrobat” seolah hanya merekalah yangpaling berhak memegang kemudi, mengarahkan ke managerangan kapal besar yang bernama Indonesia ini akandilabuhkan, dan tak mau tahu bagaimana nasib parapenumpangnya saat ini dan kelak di kemudian hari.
Lihat juga bagaimana kejahatan merebak, mulai dariruangan berpenyejuk sampai di sela-sela gang yangpengap. Nyawa manusia pun menjadi murah harganya dannurani terpencil berdebu di pojok gelap. Hamba-hambahukum seakan tak berdaya dan tak sedikit yang menjadibagian dari dunia kejahatan nan kelam.
Kejahatan KemanusiaanTataplah pula orang-orang miskin yang semakin panjangsaja barisannya. Ada yang miskin karena malas, tapitak sedikit yang miskin karena “dimiskinkan oranglain”. Sekadar bahan pengingat, bukalah kembalikontroversi kenaikan upah minimum provinsi yang selamaberhari-hari terpampang menjadi kepala-kepala beritadi berbagai media massa. Ah, mengapa masih saja adamanusia yang ingin melenggang senang di atas jeritkesakitan orang lain?
Tenaga kerja memang melimpah di sini, apalagi denganadanya krisis ekonomi yang berkepanjangan. Tapi,membayar buruh dengan upah yang benar-benar cukupsekadar untuk makan, tak bisa memperbaikikesejahteraan mereka, adalah kejahatan kemanusiaan,karena menistakan manusia menjadi sekadar makhluk yang seakan hanya memiliki kebutuhan biologis, takpunya kebutuhan psikologis, kebutuhan spiritual, dansebagainya. Dan, ketika materialisme mengepung, berapabanyak kebutuhan sekarang ini yang bisa dipenuhidengan cuma-cuma seratus persen? Mungkin, tak lebihdari hitungan jari sebelah tangan.
Trims Buat Mas Nuhan,
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