Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Poles Apart

We know that earth have two poles. North Pole taken with name Arctic, and other one is south pole with name Antartic. Both pole's have a different in environment (temperature and ecology). Antartic is coldest area in the earth, actually this situation not to be different, arctic just have 30 degree above south pole (more warm, maybe). Animal and plant (ecology) in both pole's too different. In North Pole there are many plant, in south pole just have a few plant. An Ordinary condition founded in south pole, there are have algae. Usually in extreme condition (very down or very high temperature) algae can't survive. I think scientist would be study South Pole more detail. That's just few about our pole's apart if u want more follow this link

3 komentar:

  1. you post your essay with a link that can complete your essay
    good job ^^b

  2. look at my comment in green revolution

  3. so simple and good,,,,
    i like your picture in poles appart,,,,
    good idea and cute,,,,,
