Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

Physic element of urban planning

Most city in the world have style themselves. Some of city growth in different physic environment. The physic explanation is land use in city which had an near distance and overgrowth from the core up to coastal area. In this angle about city, boundary of the city is invincible and unknown. But in other angle city looked from physic aspect have three step for planning. That is, building and activity which in the ground surface or near foreground, installation in underground, and activity in blank space (atmosphere). That’s three step also entered to our law, in UU no.26 2007 about space ordering law.
Building and activity. Building is first target after human gather food and water, so building is element of city (truly element, cause building can our see, whenever, wherever from other city side). Building from place can give a potential protection for a human race to survive. Other function followed by activity’s of human whose using building. Example: building for commerciality (store), industry, government, culture, and other.
Underground activity is a system which can mentioned like a invest to future of city. But other professional have a different argument about this. They say that underground activity is a tool, it can used to controlling and planning surface area (development). Underground activity like a planting optic cable, pipe, electric cable, and other. We can used that for long period. We also can use that for decrease development of building (with assumption that underground activity become a base development for surface area).
Blank space activity, in this decade this element looked that nothing but more to transport, radio wave, TV wave, radar, and other communication activity. That’s activity very advantage for human. Every country in the world always claim this area up to high altitude for his activity.
In conclution, urban planning must have three aspect of physic element in planning theory. That’s paired from one to other and have cause-consequence if one of element removed. When urban planning used with consistent, many style of big alteration can influented at physic shape of urban planning, in short time.

2 komentar:

  1. Here things you need to reconsider,
    That’s three step also entered to our law, in UU no.26 2007 about space ordering law. [There are three steps steps of planing including building, activity under the ground and blank space activity.
    Building and activity.[ You should not start your paragraph this way but start with a sentence; so just say directly... Building is first target after human gather food and water, so building is element of city (truly element, cause building can our see, whenever, wherever from other city side)].

  2. you make it be one paragraph
    its should be separated into some paragraph
